Our Content
Nourish Baby is an accredited provider of online antenatal courses designed to support you throughout your pregnancy, birth and early parenthood journey.
We are passionate about what we do, which is why we always provide up to date information supplied by pregnancy and health professionals. This supports you in managing your physical and mental health, and it allows you to give your baby the best start in life.
The challenge for many new parents is finding the right information. There are thousands of useful resources online, but that means it has become more difficult to sort out whether information is coming from a reputable source. For new and expectant parents, this can prove dangerous, with misinformation having the potential to affect your child’s development.
Nourish Baby was created as a source of clinically accurate information that’s accessible to all parents. With our content being delivered fully online, our antenatal classes are open to everyone, and there is no requirement to attend in-person sessions. This allows you to access accredited information from real doctors, midwives and healthcare professionals, and help shape a positive pregnancy, labour and birthing experience.
While our content is reviewed for clinical accuracy every 1-4 years, depending on the subject matter, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should seek personalised advice from your doctor or midwife if you have questions about yours or your baby’s health.
Nourish Baby is the only online antenatal class provider who is endorsed by the Childbirth and Parenting Educators of Australia (CAPEA) and is an Australian Council of Healthcare Standards (ACHS) EQuIP6 accredited organisation. We are also recommended by COPE: Centre for Perinatal Excellence. We are passionate about supporting parents with high quality, engaging and easy to understand antenatal and early parenting education.

Our accreditation and endorsements are a core part of what we do. The role we play in educating parents means it is critical for us to provide information that is accurate, up to date and supplied by healthcare professionals.
The assistance and support of CAPEA, ACHS and COPE allows us to maintain the highest possible standard for each of our online antenatal class products. This helps us keep pace with advances in pregnancy, labour and birthing information, and it ensures we provide high quality education to our customers.
As Australia’s only accredited provider of online antenatal classes, you can be sure that our course material includes the information you need to enjoy a positive pregnancy experience. Nourish Baby acts as a trusted source that you can use to support your journey and build on the knowledge gained from your doctor and healthcare provider.
Exploring our accredited courses takes the guesswork out of finding helpful information online. We have gathered the latest pregnancy and childbirth support into engaging classes that you can use to support your baby’s development and early childhood.
Other languages: to assist people from multicultural communities the video content within our Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, Birthing Course and Newborn Feeding Guide are also delivered in separate modules with Arabic, Mandarin and Vietnamese subtitles.
Hearing-impaired: the video content within our Pregnancy Health, Labour and Birth and Guide to Feeding Success is also delivered in a separate module with English subtitles for the hearing impaired.
Course Instructors & Content Contributors
We work with a team of health professionals and accredited health writers to create and publish our course content.
Nourish Baby draws on the expertise of doctors, nurses, midwives, clinical psychologists, parenthood specialists and antenatal education professionals. Each of our contributors holds relevant degrees and experience in their field, and many hold advanced qualifications, including PhD-level education.
A number of health professionals, health writers and researchers contribute to the development of Nourish Baby’s online antenatal courses including:
- Dr Peter England, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Caroline Courtis, Midwife & Childbirth Educator
- Cindy Davenport, RN, Midwife, IBCLC, MCHN
- Simone Casey, IBCLC
- Jane Barry, RN, Midwife, MCHN
- Erin Church, Paediatric Nurse & First Aid + CPR Educator
- Dr Bronwyn Leigh, Clinical Psychologist
- Dr Nicole Highet, Clinical Psychologist
- Hillary Schwantzer, Women’s Health Physiotherapist
- Natalie van Winckel, Early Childhood Educator
- Dr Elisa Rough, Paediatrician
- Jennifer Butler, RN, Midwife, MCHN
- Pam Pilkington, Clinical Psychologist
- Tasha Jennings, Naturopath & Nutritionist
- Melissa Grant, Parent Educator
- Tim O’Leary, Therapist & Parent Educator
- Robyn Bishop, Paediatric Speech Pathologist
- Meg Campbell, Certified Wellness Coach & Personal Trainer
- Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)
We work closely with content contributors to conduct content audits and ensure our antenatal courses are accurate, up to date and that they remain relevant to new parents.
Advertising Policy
Nourish Baby does not receive funding from advertising products or services of other organisations. We don’t promote the interests of any person or organisation who may financially benefit as a result of information placed on our website.
For more information:
Please refer to our Governance for Producing Online Content or contact us.