What Is Baby Led Weaning?

There’s so much information about when to introduce solid foods to babies that it’s easy to become confused. And everyone has their own opinion about when this should happen. But when deciding what advice to follow about important things, evidence should always be the basis for making up our minds.

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How To Breastfeed Lying Down

Breastfeeding lying down, also known as breastfeeding in the side-lying position, often gets hyped as the ultimate nursing position. Yet, for a new mum, it’s not the easiest nursing position to get right. If you have not yet tried breastfeeding lying down, we highly recommend giving it a go!

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Tongue Tie And Lip Tie

Most of us have heard of tongue tie, but lip tie is less commonly understood. The correct name for tongue tie is Ankyloglossia (glossia means tongue) and is a condition some children are born with. 
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