How to Tap into Your Motherly Instincts

What is the ‘perfect mother’ anyway? Is the perfect mother the one who breastfeeds the longest? Or the one who doesn’t ever yell at her kids and always get’s them to school and the birthday parties on time? Or the one who always knows how to soothe a crying baby? Maybe the perfect mother is the one who has the tidiest house and is able to juggle work, children, the preschool fete AND make it all look easy?

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Parenting Styles: How to Establish Your Own

If you are pregnant with your first child or just had your first baby, congratulations! No doubt since the minute you told people you were pregnant, you started to receive myriads of advice, of course all well meaning. Even advice from utter strangers sharing their opinion on the best birth, best pram, best sleep routine and even the sex of your child!
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How to Gain a Strong Mindset for Parenting Success

It was 6 months after the birth of my second son when it dawned on me, I was very unhappy, even though I 'had it all'. I was confused, resentful, sad and felt like an ungrateful failure. Embarrassed and fearful that I had worked in Early Childhood Education for 10 years, loved children and thought that my purpose in life was to have kids.

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