Most women are fertile two weeks before their period starts. However, breastfeeding can delay the return of periods, making it hard for women to know with any confidence when their ‘fertile window’ may be. This is why some women conceive again before their periods have come back.
An induced labour, also called an induction or Induction of Labour (IOL), is a process where labour is started artificially. A maternity care provider, either a midwife or obstetrician, uses techniques to mechanically dilate the cervix, break the membranes (waters) or start the contractions. Often, an induction is a combination of two or more of these procedures.
Complementing your hospital class with an online antenatal class is also a great option as you can continue to replay the videos throughout your pregnancy and after your baby is born.
Colostrum is the first fluid made by the breasts from around 16 weeks of pregnancy. Some women don’t realise their breasts are producing colostrum until they notice dried yellow crusts on their nipples, or their breasts start to leak. It is possible to express your colostrum while you are still pregnant and freeze it so you can feed it to your newborn baby. It is important to note however, that it’s not essential or necessary for all women.