Nursery Ideas and Baby Proofing Your Child’s Room

It may not even cross your mind as you excitedly browse the aisles of your baby store of choice, but it’s probably one of the most important things to consider as far as your nursery is concerned. Most parents will likely discover that baby proofing, and all of the gadgets that make it a reality, are some of the most important (and potentially sanity saving) things you can purchase at these stores.
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Introducing Solids: When, Why and How

Introducing solids is a major milestone in your baby’s development and often the cause of much excitement, quickly followed by confusion in parents. Many parents can feel a little overwhelmed by where and how to start and find the thought of providing three meals a day daunting
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DIY Newborn Photography Tips

While it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking a gorgeous sleeping baby will make an easy subject to shoot, if your budget doesn’t permit you to employ the services of a professional, there are several tips and tricks to help ensure you and your precious baby have the best possible experience during your DIY newborn photography shoot.
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The Benefits of Baby Massage

According to the International Association of Infant Massage, there is both research and anecdotal evidence from families, which shows that there are many ways that babies and parents may benefit from baby massage.
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