When to worry about a rash on a toddler

Rashes are common in childhood and it can be hard to know what may be the cause.  Some children seem particularly prone to skin reactions and rashes, others are a little less reactive. Generally, rashes are nothing to be concerned about and are harmless.

Most of the time, rashes tend to go away as quickly as they appear and don’t need any special treatment. But sometimes rashes are a symptom of illness and a sign that a doctor’s check is necessary.

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Tips to Deal with a Picky Eater

Once a baby has their first birthday, a pattern tends to emerge amongst babies of a similar age.  Even those who’ve always loved to eat and have never hesitated at mealtimes, can begin to lose interest in food.  This can be concerning for parents, especially if there’s no obvious reason for the change.
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Understanding Toddler Behaviour

As your child gets older, they will begin to want to do more however they are often limited by their abilities to achieve these feats or communicate what they need from you to help them. This can be very frustrating for them and can manifest as outbursts of emotion or tantrums. These are common for children aged 1-3 as they are still learning to self-regulate. 
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What Are The Effects of Pets on Child Development?

There is no denying that owning a pet makes our lives better. Studies have shown that owning a pet improves both your mental and physical health. It should come as no surprise then that owning a pet also has a massive impact on the development of your child.
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