Safe ways to induce labour at home

It’s normal for expectant parents to focus keenly on their baby’s due date, though it’s estimated only around 5% of women give birth on the date they are due. When that day comes and goes, or a pregnant mother feels she cannot go another day being pregnant, she can be forgiven for wondering what she can do to safely bring on her labour at home.
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What is Birth Trauma?

Birth trauma does not mean the same thing to every woman. Like many other life events, the impact of trauma is unique to every individual. Some women experience birth trauma as a result of their physical experience, others from the psychological effects of giving birth - each is equally important.

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Breastfeeding Twins

When a mum finds out she’s pregnant with twins, her first thought may be ‘will I have enough milk for two babies?’ and the answer is a resounding ‘yes!’. Supply is all about demand, the amount a woman’s baby—or babies—takes is how much her body will make. Some twin mummies have breastfed one baby before, but worry about feeding two — latching just one was hard, is it possible to attach both in tandem-mode? What about having time for their own sleep in between the constant suckling required from newborns to bring in and maintain the milk?
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