Baby Led Attachment and the Benefits of Skin-to-Skin

There are loads of wonderful benefits to being skin-to-skin with your newborn immediately after birth and in the weeks following, not the least of which is establishing breastfeeding. Given the opportunity, most babies if placed on mum’s chest – skin-to-skin, will shuffle up to the breast, latch on and start breastfeeding all by themselves!

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X-Rays During Pregnancy: Are They Safe?

X-rays during pregnancy are considered safe, however for cautionary measures they are to be avoided wherever possible, especially in the first trimester. X-rays should only be taken when the benefits outweigh the risks. If they can be avoided until after your baby is born, that is the recommended treatment plan.

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Insomnia in Pregnancy

Sleep struggles are not uncommon with a growing bump however many unlucky women experience varying degrees of insomnia in pregnancy. If you’re one of the unlucky ones, start by reducing or eliminating caffeine from your daily ritual. You should also avoid large dinners and opt for easily digested meals and snacks at the end of the day.

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