Vaccinations During Pregnancy and When Breastfeeding

What’s the Difference Between Immunisation and Vaccination? Most of us switch between using the words vaccination and immunisation, although they don’t mean exactly the same thing.  Vaccination means actually having a vaccine. This can be an injection (needle) or taken in via the mouth.
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What to do if your baby prefers feeding on one breast

One sided breastfeeding is not uncommon, particularly for newborns and when babies are almost ready to stop breastfeeding. This has a lot to do with the volume of milk they obtain from one breast and simply developing a preference for one side over the other.

But is one sided feeding a problem and should you be trying to encourage your baby to feed from both breasts? Read on to find out more.

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Breastfeeding Twins

When a mum finds out she’s pregnant with twins, her first thought may be ‘will I have enough milk for two babies?’ and the answer is a resounding ‘yes!’. Supply is all about demand, the amount a woman’s baby—or babies—takes is how much her body will make. Some twin mummies have breastfed one baby before, but worry about feeding two — latching just one was hard, is it possible to attach both in tandem-mode? What about having time for their own sleep in between the constant suckling required from newborns to bring in and maintain the milk?
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