Guidelines for weight gain in babies

Measuring your baby’s weight at regular intervals will help give you reassurance that they are growing as they need to. An increase in weight from birth is a sign that they are feeding well and will help you to recognise if they have an underlying health or development issue.

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Finding the right parent’s group after having a baby

Humans are social beings and for women particularly, connecting with others after giving birth is really important. New mothers especially, benefit from the emotional support they gather from other mothers who are going through similar experiences. You’ll find you share a common currency, e.g., your babies, which will help you to find other ways to connect with parents. 
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Tips to Deal with a Picky Eater

Once a baby has their first birthday, a pattern tends to emerge amongst babies of a similar age.  Even those who’ve always loved to eat and have never hesitated at mealtimes, can begin to lose interest in food.  This can be concerning for parents, especially if there’s no obvious reason for the change.
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Tips to Ease Acid Reflux in your Baby

Acid reflux or simply ‘reflux’ is a common condition in babies. Around 40% of healthy, thriving babies will have reflux to some degree.  Reflux generally begins before eight weeks of age and peaks at four months before gradually improving. Reflux commonly relates to a baby’s gut maturity and with time and development gets better without any specific treatment.
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