My Baby's Fontanelle

Most parents have heard of a baby’s ‘soft spot’ or by its more formal name, the fontanelle. Babies actually have four fontanelles, though it’s the two larger ones – the anterior and posterior fontanelles which are more commonly noticed.
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Paced Bottle Feeding

Paced bottle feeding has become the new kid on the block when it comes to bottle feeding. And just when we thought there wasn’t much to holding a baby’s bottle when they feed, paced feeding advocates say that it’s worthwhile reconsidering that approach.
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Health Checks for Babies

Regular health checks are recommended for all babies, from birth right up until they start school.  Monitoring their growth and checking their development are important ways to make sure children are growing as they need to. 

Regular health checks, particularly in the first 12 months,  also help with early detection of problems.

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Delayed cord clamping – what are the benefits?

We’ve known for some time about the benefits of delayed cord clamping, otherwise known as ‘optimal’ cord clamping. Another, formal name for delayed cord clamping is placental transfusion.  This means that instead of clamping and cutting the umbilical cord immediately after a baby is born, there’s a wait of at least one minute for babies born at term and at least 30 seconds for babies born prematurely.
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