Mixed Feeding: Does My Breastfed Baby Need Formula?

Some mothers battle with the uncertainty of not knowing how much breast milk their baby is actually getting and many wonder whether mixed feeding is necessary. One of the big differences between breastfed and formula fed babies is that it’s clear how much milk volume a bottle fed baby has had. It’s just a simple matter of reading the measurements on the side of the bottle. Working out how much a breastfed baby has had requires a few more observation skills.

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Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

We used to believe that once a woman had one baby by caesarean section birth, she would automatically need to have caesareans for all future babies.  But for the last few years this theory has been turned on its head. The general advice is for women who are planning to have more than two children to consider a VBAC. This is because of the associated risks with repeated caesarean sections.
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Foetal Movement: What My Baby's Movements Mean

One of the joys of being pregnant is to feel our baby’s movements.  But it can seem a long wait until those first little flutters make themselves clear. At first, it’s common to feel uncertain about what their movements feel like.  Early in the second trimester, lots of mothers say they’re not sure if they’ve felt their baby moving, but are open to the possibility that they may have.

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