What Is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that develops, or is first diagnosed, during pregnancy. You can think of it as “insulin resistance” or “carbohydrate intolerance” during pregnancy as a way to understand it better. Basically, it means that a woman cannot tolerate large amounts of carbohydrates without causing her blood sugar levels to rise.
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Tongue Tie And Lip Tie

Most of us have heard of tongue tie, but lip tie is less commonly understood. The correct name for tongue tie is Ankyloglossia (glossia means tongue) and is a condition some children are born with. 
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Why Might My Labour Need To Be Induced?

Sometimes labour can be induced (started artificially) if your baby is overdue or there is any sort of risk to you or your baby’s health.

If you have a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy, most caregivers will discuss inducing labour somewhere between 41 and 42 weeks. 

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Premature Birth

Most of us have heard of babies being born before they are due. But like many situations, until we’ve had personal experience we can’t fully appreciate its impact. Having a baby before their expected date can come as a real shock to parents who may have not even considered premature birth as a possibility.
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