Having A Baby After 35

Most of us know that a woman’s fertility declines as she gets older. The late teens and early 20s are considered the prime time for fertility, beyond 32 is when it starts to drop more quickly.  After the age of 37, conception becomes even more challenging. Men too are not as fertile as the years clock up. The average time it takes for a couple aged over 35 years to conceive is around 1-2 years.

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Car Seat Safety

Australian laws are very clear about mandatory safety standards relating to child car restraints. Essentially, any car restraint sold in Australia needs to have met stringent guidelines to ensure it is safe. However, not all child restraints are the same. It’s important for parents to know what to look for and what to avoid to keep their child as safe as possible.

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Sex After Baby And Birth

Most new parents could be forgiven for not prioritising sex after they’ve had their baby. Mothers particularly, can find the whole idea of getting up close and personal with their partner again almost inconceivable in the early days following birth. But there does (eventually) come a time when sex does resume in some version of its former glory. Exactly when is unique to every couple.
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