Common Childhood Illnesses

There a range of common health issues which at some stage, affect most small people. And although every baby is a unique and special individual, they are still small humans, sharing similar vulnerabilities.

Read on to learn about some of the more common health problems and what you can do to support your child’s recovery.

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Immunisation For Babies And Toddlers

In the first years of life, a baby's immune system is not fully developed. Immunisations help give babies a better chance of fighting off infections from specific diseases during this early stage of growth.
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Pregnancy Loss

Pregnancy loss through miscarriage or stillbirth can be devastating. An overwhelming sense of sadness is common for women and their partners when pregnancy does not result in a healthy, live baby. There is no one ‘right’ way to feel when pregnancy ends unexpectedly. Every woman and her partner are unique.


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Fatherhood: Parenting Tips For Dads

In generations past, we tended to think of fathers as the support act in parenting. Sure he was important but hey, the real job of raising the children was up to the mother wasn’t it?  Fortunately, that view has been long been replaced with a far greater appreciation of the role dads play. And to celebrate the different ways they care for their children in comparison with mothers. 
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