Secondary or Dry Drowning: What You Need to Know

Recently there was an article that circulated from an American mother who wanted to raise awareness as a result of her own experience with “secondary” drowning. Her 2-year-old son had an incident at a party, where he fell into a spa (right next to her). 
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Inside Stylish Mumma’s Hospital Bag

Okay, I am going to admit something straight off the bat – when I had my first daughter Evie, I was completely underprepared. Not in the sense that I didn’t pack enough (you will get a good giggle when I mention some of the ‘essentials’ I did pack in my hospital bag). No, I was underprepared in the sense that I had no idea what was coming.
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How to Prepare for Breastfeeding

I’ve just loved breastfeeding my three children, it’s such a special feeling knowing that you can grow a baby with your milk! You spend so much time feeding in the early days, but with all those feel good hormones surging through you, you just gaze down at your baby as you’re feeding him and you really feel this connection and bond, which is the best feeling ever!
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Folic Acid and Folate: The Important Difference

From the time we start thinking about having a baby we’re reminded by our GP, specialists, the media and friends about the importance of folic acid, or did they say folate?  Aren’t they the same thing? The answer is no. There is a very important difference between folic acid and folate, that can impact your chances of conception, your risk of miscarriage and your risk of birth defects.
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