If you are pregnant with your first child or just had your first baby, congratulations! No doubt since the minute you told people you were pregnant, you started to receive myriads of advice, of course all well meaning. Even advice from utter strangers sharing their opinion on the best birth, best pram, best sleep routine and even the sex of your child!
Being pregnant is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable times in your life. The promise of a new life, the hopes of what his or her future will bring, the excitement over which parent your baby will look like and what their personality will be like. Every part of it is exciting. But that doesn't mean that the pregnancy itself isn't difficult.
After reading a great book called “Chemical Free Kids” by Allan Magaziner, Linda Bonvie and Anthony Zolezzi, I came to learn how many toxins and chemicals are in our food and the subsequent negative impact on our children as a result of being exposed to them.
Tackling eczema can often be a frustrating and upsetting thing for both parent and child, particularly when you don’t know the exact source and don’t have that magic wand you desperately want to ‘disappear’ their discomfort.