The Importance of Hydrating Your Body During Pregnancy

How many glasses of water have you had today? Did you know if you’re pregnant (or breastfeeding) you need even more water than the average woman? You should be trying to drink around 2-3 litres of fluid a day. Water is best but milk, juice, tea, coffee etc. all count towards your fluid intake. It’s easy to fall into the trap of drinking less than we need to avoid frequent visits to the toilet and some people believe that drinking too much is the cause of their fluid retention.

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The Benefits of Baby Massage

According to the International Association of Infant Massage, there is both research and anecdotal evidence from families, which shows that there are many ways that babies and parents may benefit from baby massage.
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How to Care for Your Nipples While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, although natural, is a learned skill for you and your baby. It is good to remember that this may take a little while to get the hang of it – but once you do, you may find it really enjoyable and rewarding. When you begin breastfeeding, your nipples may be sensitive and you can expect some early nipple tenderness.

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