Postnatal Depression: My Shower, My Sanctuary

The below story was written in August 2012, when the darkness of my postnatal depression remained a constant companion. My writing about such experiences was to show other mothers they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings, and that there is hope when such darkness descends upon your life… No one should have to walk this path alone.
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Introducing Solids: When, Why and How

Introducing solids is a major milestone in your baby’s development and often the cause of much excitement, quickly followed by confusion in parents. Many parents can feel a little overwhelmed by where and how to start and find the thought of providing three meals a day daunting
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DIY Newborn Photography Tips

While it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking a gorgeous sleeping baby will make an easy subject to shoot, if your budget doesn’t permit you to employ the services of a professional, there are several tips and tricks to help ensure you and your precious baby have the best possible experience during your DIY newborn photography shoot.
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How to Get a Correct Latch Breastfeeding

Learning how to latch your baby to your breast – correctly, is critical. A poor latch can result in all sorts of problems including breast and nipple pain, a cranky baby – because he’s not getting enough milk, followed by poor weight gain and subsequent milk supply issues.
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