Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Good eating habits not only promotes overall general health but it gives you adequate stores of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to support your pregnancy and your growing baby. It is also vital for normal organ development and function, growth and maintenance, energy and immunity.

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Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncturists describe the human condition as a reflection of the universe. The body is dynamic and is constantly subjected to, and defined by, internal and external environmental changes. Acupuncture treatments are individualised and are based on the individual and not the condition

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Preparing for a Baby: How to Approach Your To Do List

Preparing for a baby can seem overwhelming, especially if you have to shop for baby items for the very first time. In addition to shopping for the baby, you need to take care of yourself, make arrangements for the baby's medical care after they are born and prepare your home for the new arrival. Where should you begin?

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Breastfeeding Your Newborn: How Often and How Long?

Many new mummies and daddies I speak to are genuinely surprised at how much time their babies spend breastfeeding in the early weeks. During pregnancy, you read that babies feed every 3-4 hours, so that leaves at least a few hours to sleep in between feed cycles, right? Not always. On average, you can expect to be breastfeeding your newborn at least 8-12 times in 24 hours
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