Baby Massage: Does it Really Work?

Caring for babies is not always easy. Gaining the support and expertise of a Certified Infant Massage Instructor is growing in popularity in Australia. A Certified Infant Massage Instructor can guide parents through the use of safe and effective massage techniques to help relax babies, helping them sleep and to promote their development.
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Benefits of Reflexology for Babies

Most people have heard of reflexology but not everyone knows what it is and the benefits it can bring. Reflexology is a relaxing foot massage that works by stimulating the nerve endings in the feet, which correspond to organs and zones of the body

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Pregnancy Stretch Marks and How to Help Prevent Them

Stretch marks are one of those pesky but perfectly normal, pregnancy side effects that touch approximately 2 in 5 women – particularly during their first pregnancy. Stretch marks develop when the skin is pulled or stretched rapidly or “excessively”. Other than the obvious tummy region, stretch marks can also occur around your boobs, bum and thighs. 
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